Between the Tides: Simple Tips for Exploring Tide Pools

In the Zone
The intertidal zone is a diverse place to live and an important ecosystem! It helps protect the shoreline and provides food for many birds, whether they are migrating species or call the coast home.
Because it’s found where the ocean meets the shore, the conditions are ever-changing. Animals that live in the intertidal zone must be prepared for anything and be well-adapted for survival.

Hands-off Activity
And…it’s a perfect area to visit to get up close and personal with nature. While it’s usually not recommended to touch tide pool inhabitants due to their sensitivity, observing them by sight and enjoying the soothing sounds of the surf makes tide-pooling an awesome adventure.
Where are Tide Pools?

Tidepools can be found on both sandy beaches and rocky shores, and there are many different types of creatures that live there. Chitons, anemones, crabs, sea urchins, limpets, sea stars, octopuses, and more can be found in the pools created by low lying areas and exposed rocks when the tide goes out.
Tide Pool Tips
Whether you visit the seashore, explore from home, or both, here are some tips to help you navigate your nature study!

- Remember to go at low tide, and you may get wet!
- Be prepared to take pictures of your adventures. It makes identifying species easier if you don’t have to rely on your memory once you return home.
- Read books about tide pools before you go, so you know what to expect. Picture books like The Tide Pool Waits and reference books (like our book, Nature School) are helpful tools.
- Incorporate different subjects into your study!
- Science - study species of tide pool creatures and their adaptations for survival
- Geography- where are the tide pools located around the world? What species are found in different areas?
- Math - symmetry of different tide pool species
- Writing & Art - nature journaling while at the tide pool, from photos of your trip, or from books and studies when you are home
We have lots of seashore science and nature studies in our shop, and our
Between the Tides study focuses specifically on tide pools. It’s available individually or in the Back to Nature Bundle. In this study, you’ll find…
- Background info about life in tide pools
- Learning cards with six different tide pool species from around the world
- Simple and engaging activities
- Questions to ponder
- Lesson extension
If you don't have a tide pool nearby, don't despair! You can take a quick trip to the tide pool with us. Check out our most recent tide pool adventure on our YouTube channel HERE!